lundi 8 juillet 2013

And what about Lee DongHae in this crisis?

As you know, this blog is about EunHae so about EunHyuk and DongHae, but as you may have seen in the previous post we only talked about EunHyuk and IU. So let's explain our point of view about what may have felt or lived DongHae during this scandal.

First we start from the point that EUHAE IS REAL, that means they are in a relationship where there are some feelings involved. But in this almost "perfect relationship" how could something like this happen? We think that the "real" EunHae, which went further than a simple friendship and a bit more complicated than a flirtationship, appeared during Bonamana, we will explain it to you in an other article (I guess we can say that the physical changes for both of them did change some things, they went from teenagers to young men well body-builted 8D). So our theory is that since 2010 or around this time EunHyuk and DongHae have been involved in a real relationship including love. But how did such a crisis happen to them?

As you all know DongHae is jealous (only when it comes to EunHyuk), and his feelings are then hard to hide compared to Hyuk's (That doesn't mean he doesn't have any for DongHae, but he's shy, and embarrassed in public! -> we will see that also in an other article). Despite that, a big jealousy moment was seen in february 2011 during the promotion of Perfection in China. As you can see on the video of Perfection music video's making off, you can feel that there's something going on here, they look very tensed and we can see that it's only the two of them. No stare, no smile, no contact! You may think it's excessive but we are Hard EunHae shipper, which means we've watched tons and tons of videos of our EunHae, we've seen many things that usual ELF don't see (if they're not Hard EunHae shippers). ->

So we can see that what is happening there is NOT good. Couple problems? Yes it's normal, every couple has his ups and downs and here it's a big down. A really big one because in the second video, where EunHyuk looks very jealous, it was in april/may during the shouting and promotion of Skip Beat (the taiwanese drama where DongHae played the lead role). As you may have understood, the MC shows to the members of Suju-M some shots where DongHae hugs or kisses his partner. And here, a second tension appears. EunHyuk who is usually a very smiley person seems completely overtaken by what is happening, and even seems angry! That is one of the example that shows that even in the EunHae couple, it's not always going for the best, like any other couple. ->

Why do we want to talk about that then? Simply because like what happened here in 2011, EunHae appeared to have had a bad time too in summer 2012 during the promotion of Sexy, Free & Single or the few weeks after. Why do we say that? Because DongHae went on his own to L.A. and EunHyuk went on holiday to Greece. It's just a little separation you tell us! No, the members admitted that EunHyuk cried when DongHae was doing his activities with Suju-M in China and so they was separated for a few weeks. This last summer 2012, something quite bad must have happened. Why summer 2012? Because it's during this period that the photo scandal of IU-EunHyuk was taken!!

So we think that EunHyuk went to see his close friend IU, because he was feeling unhappy. Please look at the photo closely, he is totally devastated by something! But what? Some people said it was because he just had sex... hum, why they got dressed after then? He looks more tired maybe drunk but not what people said about a sexual relationship between the two (ex-)friends. We would say he was devastated because of Hae...

But why would he be devastated because of him? In 2011, EunHyuk was very jealous of the actress who played Skip Beat with DongHae, and weard! Last summer 2012 DongHae was filming his drama Panda and Hedgehog... The same type of jealousy? Maybe... We remember seeing a few tweets or photos of DongHae with the other actresses who he seemed to "appreciate" a whole lot. Here's a photo of him with the lead actress of the drama. Of course rumors then appeared of him being a couple with different actresses ( like EunSeo with who he played a couple in WGM, you can see in the article that he spreads even more the rumors even if at the end he's still laughing). ->

AND, EunHyuk had "forgotten" ONCE MORE DongHae's birthday. A lot of questions but no answers? Is it EunHyuk's jealousy that led him directly into IU's net? IU who may have had use this to turn it as an advantage for her? We will never know... All we know is that DongHae was particularly touched (and hurt?) by this scandal...

The day after the scandal, DongHae first tweeted a photo of his Iphone where you could see what song he was listening too. Already the title of it makes you immediately think of EunHyuk... translated it means "Men are like that"... what comes to your mind really? Here are the lyrics -> Gosh it makes it so obvious! And then his tweet was:

JongGook hyungnim’s “All men are like this” really fits the fall night ^^ best !!^^

I mean there are no doubts about him being hurt now and maybe even betrayed. Plus, how you may have seen, he tweeted a lot more than usual, maybe feeling lonely and feeling the need to communicate it to the ELF. The following days he tweeted:

-Handsome and smart Golden Retriever ^^ Pretty, right ?? This Golden Retriever is an ELF ^^ Is it suited with me ?? G night !!^^

-It's Pepero* Day ^^ I'd rather give you the Christmas tree I've made yesterday as gift instead of peperos ^^ But isn't it a little to early?? I've made it for ELF !! 

BUT, BUT! After only five days, a wonderful tweet was posted by DongHae: 

Eun !! You're so handsome ^^ Congratulations for the opening !! I'll come and eat something next week !

So it's obvious it was better between them, and they got over this crisis ;) (giving then hope to every EunHae shipper in the world when they promoted Breakdown in China).

This is not an official article, it's what we think is the most logical for us, EunHae shippers, who try to understand what's been going on during that time. Hope you did enjoy reading this article, and don't forget to comment if you want to tell us what you thought about it. See you soon!

Elena and Sashiimi

1 commentaire:

  1. Sorry, bad English. I speak spanish
    I liked your analysis of this time as difficult for hae.
    But I have a question.
    Currently, eunhae is in crisis?
    In the last photos. Hae is so sad (much). Hyuk looks so normal.
    I think something has happened
    Atte. Kaela69 ( from Peru)
